An Identification Method of Traffic Congestion for Urban Road Segments in Vietnam Utilizing Comprehensive Fuzzy Assessment

Diễn đàn khoa học 16/12/2020 09:56

Traffic Congestion Identification not only is an important component of any intelligent transportation system but also is urgently required in the development of advanced technologies used for reducing traffic congestion on urban roads.


Msc. Vuong Xuan Can; Msc. Vu Trong Thuat
University of Transport and Communications
Dr. Phan Xuan Vu
Hanoi University of Science and Technology


Membership functions of evaluation factor

Traffic Congestion Identification not only is an important component of any intelligent transportation system but also is urgently required in the development of advanced technologies used for reducing traffic congestion on urban roads. This paper presents an identification method of traffic congestion utilizing comprehensive fuzzy assessment based on three factors, including average speed, occupancy, and volume-to-capacity ratio which reflect the characteristics of traffic conditions on urban road segments and can be obtained from vehicle detectors on the roadside. Data used for tests of the proposed method in this study are generated from the SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility) traffic simulator. Our preliminary test results show that the proposed method is promising, and these results may contribute significantly to the applications of fuzzy-based approaches in traffic-related researches in Vietnam.

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